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la interfaz para teléfono es perfecta y muy útil. ¿Cuando sacaras más fases de crecimiento?

Thank you for your support!

I'd like to bring new growth phases in the next update but it's progressing slowly.

The phone interface is difficult to use, but I understand if it's not your priority to make it easily usable.

I know and I'm sorry for that.

With my experience I can't easily improve the interface for smaller devices.

Good evening! I just came to say, you would be interested in getting help with english to spanish translation for your game? 

Thx for reading! c:

I didn't have plans to add a translation to the game, but thank you for the offer!

Understood, thx for your reply!


Is it possible to make evil route? In which the more MC drains the more evil it become? :)

I don't have plans for that, I like to focus in consensual draining!


I finished the entire game. It’s great but I want more charm level :v

how frequent are the content updates gonna be? 

I prefer not to say, as I don't know how busy will I be.

I'll try to keep writing and creating more events at a good pace :3

When you go to a construction site, select "talk with paige" and click" go back "to magically jump to Draining ground, for some reason... Is it a bug?

It's a bug and it's fixed now!

Glad to hear that!

I get stuck during the second being drained event. (Unsure if important but after the first one I immediately set my size back to max and then went back.)


You just found the placeholder for a future wave of "being drained" events, sorry for the inconvenience, I already patched it and it should be impossible to reach that point again, thanks for reporting!


There seems to be a bug when encountering the first personal training event/introduction during the last "night" time slot. I am now unable to sleep and only get the option of taking a nap. Thus soft-locking myself in this state


Sorry for the inconvenience, it's fixed now.

frozen game nap say sleep get work

Can you tell me more about that?

Um, I went to the Draining Grounds, used drain, but now I can't get out. Um, I went to the Draining Grounds, used drain, but now I can't get out, there's no exit button.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the fast report, I'll update it now (I don't know if you were lucky or unlucky as I fixed most dead-ends already)

Edit: Sorry for the inconvenience, It's live already!

Is the update coming soon?

I'm working on it, I'd like to release it today but I'm not sure if I'll need more time!

Ok :)

The update is here!

I didn't test everything but most things should work, I'll be looking at the comments to fix any bug.

Small question. Are you going to put in a "Gallery" like you have your other projects?

I plan to do it, in the next update I'll probably start testing ways to do it.

Nice, can't wait for the full release when everything is said and done.

a job exp tracker would be nice. (can you get to Librarian level 3?)

As I programmed it, you should be able to reach Librarian level 5, but the XP needed might need some balancing.

I'll try to add tracking in the form of a percentage number next to the level in the "My Progress" screen!

(1 edit)

might be bugged then. I did 30 times all 3 actions for 10 days and that's after dozens of other times before then, all while on level 2.
never got past level 3 for the cafe either after 60+ days.

(2 edits) (+1)

The librarian level requires intelligence, to reach librarian level 3 you need at least 2 intelligence levels that.

(As a correction, this means that level 5 is not obtainable yet but level 4 should be possible, I will nevertheless reduce the xp needed and increase the gain as it's too slow right now) 

Edit: You were right, due to an error in the code the job couldn't be leveled up after level 2, I fixed it now and It will work correctly in the next update, thank you for reporting it!


I may have accidently deleted a comment, the answer was that right now the max level for all 3 stats is 3.

And for now it only unlocks minor details, but in the next update there will be more content unlocked by having high enough intelligence.


Great work as usual, I really like that you retained the brisk pacing of you other games. While adding new stuff is always tempting I'm hoping you can keep the progression from becoming too much of a grind.

I hope I didn't sound too negative, I'm excited to see what comes next and I'm pretty confident in your ability to strike a good balance as you did in your other games.

Thanks, my goal is to make it rich in content with minimal grind!


Is there other ways to get int ? Cause gaining int from work or study at llibrary is kinda slow

Not yet, but I plan to add a new way in the new update! (or at least increase the numbers for the study)


Ok then.Btw I played your previous work before ,hope you do well in this one as well^⁠_⁠^

(1 edit) (-1)

When clicking on my character, I cannot exit from it. Playing on Android by the way. Edit; So I can exit from my character but I have to hit an invisible button on the top right that needs to be addressed.

For now I can only tell you not to enter in the gallery (not to click the character) in Android, as I don't know how to adapt things to smaller screens at that level.

This game is intended for bigger screens/computers; it working on a phone is great, and when there's something that I can fix to make the experience better, I will try, but menu stuff is pretty hard for me right now.


Is Beth gonna  have a muscle growth part in future updates? Great game by the way 


I haven't decided yet, but probably not as her role doesn't need that


I'm impressed, and for the fact that you can play in the browser, I respect you separately.


I have one opinion only one this game should have an option to reduce stats option totaly usable by the player since some people would like to see the smaller images again or some people not fan of FMG could just enjoy the game the way the want and same for the inverse its a win for evryone


Don't worry, an option/device/method to reduce the size at will is already planned; I only need to think of a good way to add it, feeling natural, probably linked to a certain level of intelligence...

I'll think about a good way to link it, but it's definitely coming in the future!


How about when u add a new level area open there is a boss girl at the construction site that can take away certain ability's if u miss a certain work load or doesn't like the new girl on the site just an idea that would be cool to see or better yet as a new shop in the mall and make it a magic shop 



I already have some ideas for the overseer of the site aaaand something about a shop with magic stuff but that's a secret for the future!


good game so far, looking forward to more interactions and mechanics


Por cierto creo que llegue al nivel maximo de carisma. Por mas que lo mejor no veo que el busto siga aumentando y la imagen simplemente cambia de angulo cuando consigo cierta experiencia de carisma


The max level for now is 3, the pictures that "change angle" have always been here, as when you look at yourself, you can see a front view or a back view randomly!


Cuando ejecutas el juego en telefono la barra de el costado donde estan las estadisticas y datos del juego se corta al no caber en la pantalla. Podrias hacer que se pueda mover de arriba a abajo para poder verla efectivamente


I've been looking at how to do it, and I think that I managed to do it.

You will be able to scroll the sidebar on smaller screens in the next version. The thing now is that the "Stats" button may show too much information. I hope that the close button is clickable on phones, as right now I wouldn't know how to solve that.

(I already reduced the spacing of that part a bit)


does intelligence do anything yet? so far the high INT characters seem to have big butts?


Intelligence unlocks new options and events, in the future it will allow you to read extra information, understand books (that will unlock things) and more!

It doesn't change the body of the character.


Man, great game 👍👍


Pretty nice as starting point, keep it up!


Great job, as always! Like your games a lot

btw, when you choose to look at yourself in bathroom, you only get to see front or back picture at random, but why not just show both of them?


Thank you for your support!

I didn't show them at the same time because I don't like how it looks if one image shows first and then the other (you have to scroll too much)

And it feels "natural" looking at yourself in the mirror one side at a time.


It's great start for the new game. I noticed that you have big ambitions for this game (affinity with women, plans for city map and locations). Good luck with development, I will be waiting for the final result


Good work. I always love your games


The "My progress" menu doesnt display the correct info


If you mean the main character picture and bio these don't change yet, I'll improve that part in the future!


i was so excited for this game and it has amazed me already.

plus its not even fully out yet 


Disculpa pero no quiero que la protagonista gane musculo ¿existe alguna forma de ganar dinero que no requiera un aumento de la estadistica de fuerza? Por cierto, el juego se atasca cuando entras a la galeria de los personajes, confundiendo el boton de regreso con el de mirar personaje


Yes, working on the library gives you money without increasing the strength!

I'm trying to replicate the bug you talk about, but I'm unable to. I can return from every gallery to the affinity window of each character; if you want to go back to the selection menu, you have to click on the "return" in the upper right corner!


Love the game so far, the art is nice!


I tried the game, and I like it a lot. I wanted to ask you, is it possible to make only the boobs grow?

(1 edit) (-1)

Gaining charm is the only way but it increases her bust size and her overall curves.

In a future update I plan to add a way to return to past sizes, allowing you to set the strength to 0 at will!


thanks for reading me, and I think it's a good idea to be able to go back. I appreciate FMGs but not the overly exaggerated ones, my favorites are BE and AE. I hope that in the future there will be more characters perhaps with these types of growth. and in any case it's already a great game 


I always try to read every comment and answer every question and bug report.

Don't worry, there will be more characters with BE focused events!


I'm not sure if it's a bug, but Heather never started offering larger sizes for me

(1 edit) (-1)

You are completely right, I just found the problem in the code, I'll release an update fixing it now.

Edit: The update is live now!


Wow. What an amazing game! Art is top notch!

  • Seeing the effects of the different sizes of espresso etc. before buying it would be cool
  • Getting stats for the character like for the other girls. Not only the description when you look at yourself, but stats like cup size or weight.
  • Some steps that always repeat are a bit annoying. "Go in" for example. You read it once and that's it. Useless clicking all the time
  • Maybe add a way to get from muscular to curvy. Like eating unhealthy / healthy. Because if for example I go all in on muscle and would like to go curvy without muscle, I would have to start all over again, losing the progress of intelligence, the other girls, ...
  • Adding a return button to undo the last action

I'm excited for future content. But (just my opinion) I would like to see more "normal" growth in smaller steps. Lvl 3 already is really pumped.
Do they always have to look like titans at the end? (I know many like that)

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Thank you for your support!

For now I've planned 5 size levels (0 to 5) for this game, and the last one will probably be pretty big, sorry for the inconvenience.

On the other hand, I have plans to add a device or method to alter your size, allowing you to see the applicable events with any size you want.

I plan to add stats like cup size for the main character too!

I have purposely disabled the return button, as I don't really like the "going back" thing in that kind of game.

If you really want to use something similar, you can save before a decision and load if you dislike the conclusion, but I think that having the "size altering" method will alleviate these problems for you and others!

I like the feeling that the "Go in" and other small steps give, as it feels more interactive, but I may change it if I see that it is widely disliked.


nice start


Woow It looks very good, I'm sure I'll love it. I'll try it later. 


Definitely a strong start. Being able to export/import saves would make it much easier to keep progress between updates. But apart from that, it's a great game so far. keep up the good work!


Thank you for your support!

I've been looking into it and I think that I'll be able to implement save export/importing by the next update, thanks to a bit of github public code from Kajot-dev

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